
  • To enable each registered member of the company to earn profit through marketing on entering the market of new products at global level as per their activity.
  • To provide online promotion work at global level to each registered member of the company as per their special qualification, so that income can be earned by doing it through social media and platform.
  • To teach business art and qualities to the members through seminars, webinars, meetings, conferences etc. in order to establish new dimensions in the market by the company in a new business way.
  • To provide 15 percent amount per member to the members of the company on adding every new member and to vest the benefit of the said member to the registered member when they work in accordance with the policy.
  • To organize meetings of registered members with business groups by the company and to complete the work and earn profit by entering into contracts with business groups.
  • The company will provide special gifts and domestic and international travel to the registered members on achieving Level-1, Level-2, Level-3, Level-4, Level-5.
  • All the work of the registered members will be done online by the company, work related information will be provided online on the company's website, registered mobile number etc

Terms and Conditions

  • To become a registered member of the company, it is mandatory to be an Indian citizen who has completed 18 years of age.
  • The person becoming a registered member of the company should not be declared bankrupt by any court.
  • Registration of each member of the company will be done through the online website and the member will be provided a unique ID.
  • The registered members of the company will have to pay monthly 300/- rupees, quarterly 1200/- rupees and yearly 3600/- rupees to work with the company and to remain with the company. The said payment can be made monthly, quarterly and yearly. Special discount will be given to those who pay quarterly and yearly fees together.
  • The profit amount will be paid to the registered members of the company after deducting TDS amount in the registered account.
  • Every member of the company cannot make new members offline, offline membership is unacceptable.
  • It is mandatory for every member of the company to follow point number 2 of the terms and conditions.
  • The members of the company will not do any work with the general public in the name of the company otherwise the membership can be cancelled.
  • No contract can be made in the name of the company by the members of the company, the contract will be made by the company with other companies.
  • The company does not claim to provide regular and permanent employment to the registered members.
  • The company will provide work to the registered members as per the project, the said work will be provided to the regular members.
  • If the registered member sends his resignation to the competent officer through e-mail or to the head office, the said registered unique ID will be deactivated in 7 days.
  • If the registered member works against the company, the membership will be cancelled
  • Complaints against registered members will be made to the CRMS of the company, which will be resolved within 30 days, information of which will be given through message on the registered mobile number.
  • Contact Us: If you have any questions about these Privacy & Policies , please contact us at:
    • Email: darshan.das.kumar@gmail.com | deepadasipali@gmail.com
    • Phone: +91 9216763310 | +91 9351614952
    • Address: 53, Surya Nagar, Naya Gaanv, Pali, Rajasthan, ( 306401 )